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See below for all of the webbing choices we have available and information as to which webbing would work best for you. Looking for custom webbing, narrow fabric and strapping at affordable prices. You've come to the right place. Our inventory is filled with a number of high-quality materials ranging from nylon to polyester, including polypropylene, ribbon, tubular, mil-spec and seatbelt narrow fabrics. Each type has its own unique properties that make it well-suited for your specific applications. Use yours to build outdoor lounge chair webbing or other furniture webbing straps. Read on to learn more, and order with our team today. Note: Webbing Lengths over string und strapse feet may contain splices. All webbing is sold by the foot. String und strapse is available in 2 styles: Heavyweight, and Lightweight. It has low stretch, especially when wet. Polypropylene does not have a high abrasion resistance, so it is not recommended for use around rough edges. This webbing is good for medium duty applications. Choosing the Right Webbing Not sure which webbing is right for you. Our webbing has no minimums so that you can buy just string und strapse you need to fit what's best for you. Our flat nylon webbing is a top-seller because it provides the right balance of strength and feel to hold up to those high-abrasion uses. Nylon outdoor fabric also provides satisfactory outdoor performance. Looking for the best multi-purpose strapping. Consider our polyester webbing for a great combo of strength, water resistance and smooth texture. Selecting the perfect type of webbing for your needs is easy at Strapworks. Whether you want strapping to tie something down, or webbing to hold something up, our selection has you covered. You choose your style, size, color and length to create a custom webbing order, then we'll ship it to you immediately. Don't forget that besides our popular webbing styles, we also proudly carry ribbon narrow fabrics, seat belt webbing, military spec and tubular strapping to meet a diverse range of strapping demands. All of our strapping is sold by the foot for your convenience. If you need help find the perfect webbing, string und strapse getting it customized with your own color, pattern or graphic, don't hesitate to get in touch with us. Strapping Material Information is great for outdoor applications. It is available in two styles: heavyweight, and lightweight. It has low stretch, especially when wet. Polypropylene does not have a high abrasion resistance, so it is not recommended for use around rough edges. This webbing is good for medium duty applications. It is not recommended to use in or around water continuously because it absorbs water quickly, causing mildew and rot if not properly maintained. Flat nylon will also stretch up to 2 percent of its length when the webbing is saturated. Polyester webbing has the same soft, smooth feel, and shiny appearance of flat nylon. It also has the benefits of polypropylene, including low water absorption and excellent mildew and rot resistance. Sublimation allows patterns to be printed on webbing for a unique and aesthetically pleasing appearance. It has a very tight weave, low water absorption, and excellent mildew and rot resistance. Low stretchiness, low absorption rate, a dense weave and high strength make this an excellent choice for outdoor uses as well. Each have the characteristics of their respective materials listed above. The flexible outer coating protects the webbing within and is durable, easily cleaned and waterproof. We invite you to contact our customer service team at to have any and all your questions answered. For custom order inquiries, please contact custom strapworks. Follow us on for links to daily specials.

Brauche ich immer Strapse oder Strings, um sexy zu sein?
Sie tragen die unmittelbaren Kosten der Rücksendung der Waren. Wir verkaufen nur original Markenartikel von denen wir auch selber überzeugt sind. Die Befugnis, auch das Gericht an einem anderen gesetzlichen Gerichtsstand anzurufen bleibt hiervon unberührt. Bei Zahlung per Kreditkarte via PayPal oder per Lastschrift via PayPal werden innerhalb des Bearbeitungsprozesses die Zahlungsdaten des Kunden an die Fa. Consider our polyester webbing for a great combo of strength, water resistance and smooth texture. Wir können die Rückzahlung verweigern, bis wir die Waren wieder zurückerhalten haben oder bis Sie den Nachweis erbracht haben, dass Sie die Waren zurückgesandt haben, je nachdem, welches der frühere Zeitpunkt ist. Wir behalten uns vor, Ihnen in diesen Fällen einen Ersatzartikel - preislich und qualitativ gleichwertig - zu übersenden. Charges, taxes and customs duties are not included neither in the article price nor in shipping and handling, these costs have to be borne by the customer. Flat nylon will also stretch up to 2 percent of its length when the webbing is saturated. Ein Gebot erlischt, wenn ein anderer Käufer während der Angebotsdauer ein höheres Gebot abgibt. Bei zu schweren, zu großen Paketen oder zu teuren Waren kann es notwendig sein die Sendung auf mehrere Pakete aufzuteilen. It also has the benefits of polypropylene, including low water absorption and excellent mildew and rot resistance.